Subscription plans and licenses

Data offer, usage and fees

Professional and/or commercial use of our data:
  • Requires a licensing and/or subscription agreement
  • Is subject to the payment of fees
The European Money Markets Institute’s data encompasses:
  • Live data i.e., immediately available following publication for 24 hours
  • Delayed data i.e., accessible with a delay of 24 hours
  • Historical data
The fees apply to:
  • End users using the data for their own business purposes
  • End users using data (Live and/or Historical) for the purpose of processing it or combining it with other data to create derived information or a derived product offered externally
  • Information vendors distributing the Live and/or Delayed data to their client bases
  • Exchanges and clearing houses using the data for transactional/settlement purposes

All existing contractual options and corresponding fees are detailed in the Fee Schedule 2024 of The European Money Markets Institute. As of 1 January 2025, the new Fee Schedule 2025 will apply. Comprehensive practical information is available on the dedicated FAQ page. 

To access Live data, please submit your request using the 'Subscribe' button.

For Distribution, Futures Trading, Clearing Services, and Trademark Licenses, please send a written request by email to  



Fee Schedule 2025

RatePlan | September 2024


Fee Schedule 2024

RatePlan | June 2023


Fee Schedule 2023

RatePlan | July 2022


Fee Schedule 2022

RatePlan | May 2022


Pricing Policy 2021

RatePlan | May 2022